Affordable Adobe Building in Taos, New Mexico

Building Value for Working Families

Affordable Adobe believes living in a traditional adobe home should be available to everyone. Our dream is to sustain traditional, ecological building here in Taos, New Mexico, our family's home for over 150 years. We care about the long-term consequences of how the community lives and works. This means living by sustainable business ethics as well as using sustainable building materials. Look at our work on these pages then fill out the Contact Us form and we'll get back to you soon, to start the process of building your dream home with sustainable, traditional adobe.

Affordable Adobe
PO Box 427
Arroyo Hondo, NM 87513
Jose 575-741-6040
Andy 575-776-2865
Andy Romero, Proprietor
Local, Licensed, Insured, Bonded
License No. 059365
Voted Best of Taos